The Doctoral Students' Day (JDD), is an event organised BY the doctoral students of the laboratory FOR the doctoral students of the Laboratoire de Génie Chimique de Toulouse (LGC).


The main objectives of this day are

- A poster for all doctoral students 1A and an oral presentation for the 2A.

- To exchange on research projects and results.

- To promote relations between doctoral students and other laboratory people.

AWARDS 2021 : Best Poster and Best Oral Presentation

During the event, "Best Poster 2020" and "Best Oral Presentation 2020" will be awarded.

Voting will be done in Amphi 300 and anonymously. Only LGC people can vote, any irregularity will lead to disqualification of the poster or presentation. 

The links for the posters are available in the tab "Posters" and the posters can be visible in day of JDD


It is reminded that the JDD is compulsory for all 1A or 2A PhD students.

For 1A PhD students: the poster (in English or French) must be uploaded on the website before October 15th, 2021, in pdf or pwp format. The templates in French and English can be downloaded here : Template_Poster_FR or Template_Poster_ENG

For 2A PhD students: an oral presentation of 7 minutes maximum, followed by 3 minutes of questions. In order to facilitate logistics, you are asked to deposit your oral presentation on the site before Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 6pm. The support material is in English and the presentation can be in French or English.

When you upload your file to the site it transform it directly in PDF. To keep it in PWP, put the PWP in the "Supplementary data" -> "Upload file" section.

The template of the oral presentation is here : Template_Oral_ENG


For 3A doctoral students who want to participate please contact us.


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